Am 05.09.19 um 09:27 schrieb Witold Uchman:
Hi all!

Is there a way to globally modify chord properties in multiple scores contained in one file? I would like all the chords to be \germanChords with chordNameLowercaseMinor = ##t, but I could not find a way to put it in the \layout block...

Hi Witold,

the global \layout block is the correct place:

\layout {
  % this was already present:
  \context {
    \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #-1
  % this is new:
  \context {
    chordNameLowercaseMinor = ##t

The \context block contains the name of the context (ChordNames) and all \overrides and \sets that should affect all contexts of that kind. The \set command has to be omitted.


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