A way to output to stdout directly (on Linux):

   $ ln -s /dev/stdout foo.svg
   $ lilypond -dbackend=svg -o foo music.ly


On 5/5/2020 2:42 PM, David Wright wrote:
On Sun 03 May 2020 at 12:22:31 (+0200), Valentin Villenave wrote:
On 4/30/20, David Wright <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
On Thu 30 Apr 2020 at 21:58:28 (+0200), Marcel Aartsen wrote:
I don't think you can use stdout itself, as LP already uses it.
Well, there *used* to be some work towards something like that; see
the framework-socket.scm file in LilyPond’s source code…

I haven't tested whether LP *insists* on adding an .svg extension.
It does, but that can be overriden:
Probably hardly worth the effort in this case (and when using files,
it's easy enough to rename them).

BTW I tested my example just by catting the pipe (to let LP run to
completion) and piping the output into less as the consumer (to save
it spewing onto the terminal).

I ought to make it clear that it was intended for the SVG-consumer
to normally be a program, like inkscape. So summarising:

   $ mkfifo foo.svg
   $ lilypond -dbackend=svg -o foo music.ly

   $ inkscape foo.svg

on two terminals, or

   $ mkfifo foo.svg
   $ lilypond -dbackend=svg -o foo music.ly &
   $ inkscape foo.svg

on one.

Sometime, perhaps, I'll try it on two machines, using a socket.


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