On 3/10/21, 3:21 PM, "lilypond-user on behalf of Andrew Bernard" 
<lilypond-user-bounces+carl.d.sorensen=gmail....@gnu.org on behalf of 
andrew.bern...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Hello All,
    Some time ago I took over the management of the Openlilylib project from 
    Urs Liska, who was forced to cease the work for personal reasons. I 
    created a server to host a new website, a Git repository and a Discourse 
    forum and Openlilylib specific mailing list. The old git repository 
    remains untouched, but it is no longer taking pull requests. I was in 
    the process of refactoring the whole git repo to make it easier to use, 
    but have not yet completed that work.
    To cut to the point, in a moment of complete stupidity I deleted the 
    server this was running on without thinking to take a backup of the OLL 
    systems. So the work has currently been put on hold until I make a new 
    server and setup all the work again. Sadly, nobody has noticed the loss 
    of the website or forum, which did have a few members, so I wonder if 
    this is worth pursuing anyway.

I think that what is going on right now is that there are people who use 
openlilylib, but don't need the latest updates or the forum or website.

I do believe, however, that there is interest in eventually improving 

If we are to sell OpenLilyLib to the uninitiated, we probably need the website.

If we are to help the uninitiated use OpenLilyLib, we probably need the forum.

Bottom line -- the lack of the website means it's unlikely that the uninitiated 
will even interact with OLL.  And the lack of novices using OLL means the need 
for the forum is low.  But that is NOT the ideal situation.

I know that there are at least a few power users who LOVE OLL.  It would be a 
shame to have OLL disappear from anything but a git repository.  But I 
recognize that there are real costs to recreating the forum and the website.  
And I'm not prepared to invest the time to recreate it, so I have no business 
telling you that you should.

I don't think the lack of "notice" of the loss of the website or forum means 
they have no value.  It probably DOES mean they have relatively little value to 
the LilyPond/OLL expert.

I hope you'll be able to muster the effort to resurrect these items!



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