Hello Paolo,

you've missunderstood what I meant. If you have each section in a separate file 
you can simly compile that file instead of uncommenting stuff. And you can have 
header and first section in the same file.


24.11.2021 18:08:50 Paolo Prete <paolopr...@gmail.com>:

> Hello Valentin,
> thanks for your help!
> I try to explain better what I need to do. Suppose that my score is divided 
> into three sections. The first one has not only notes, but a title too. 
> I need to render the sections all together or individually. The first obvious 
> way to do that is write the score in the form:
> %%%%%
> \markup { "My-Title" }
> {
> % SECTION 1 (title + notes)
> { c'1 c' d' d'\pageBreak }
> { c'1 c' d' d'\sustainOn\pageBreak }
> { c'1 c'\sustainOff d' d' }
> }
> %%%%%
> and then comment or comment out parts of the score that I don't need to 
> render. So, for example, if I need to render only section 2, I would comment 
> section 3 and section 1 but I have to comment the markup block separately as 
> well: this is unwanted, because the markup belongs to section 1 context. 
> Instead, it would be more appropriate to exclude automatically the markup 
> block when section one is not included.
> Note that putting the sections into separate files, as you suggested, does 
> not solve the problem: instead of commenting blocks of code, I would have to 
> exclude both the file associated to the markup and the file associated to 
> section 1, if I want to render section 2.
> Now, if I try to by-pass the problem with a \book context, I can embed the 
> markup into section 1:
> %%%%%
> \book {
> % SECTION 1 (title + notes)
> \markup { "My-Title" }
> { c'1 c' d' d'\pageBreak }
> { c'1 c' d' d'\sustainOn\pageBreak }
> { c'1 c'\sustainOff d' d' }
> }
> %%%%%
> In this way, I could embed the markup into section 1, but it won't work for 
> another reason: the presence of the pedal needs that all the sections belong 
> to the same context. Note too that if I tweak sections of a score into 
> separate scores, I would have a logical mismatch between the syntax used for 
> blocks of code and what that blocks of code effectively represent, which is 
> unwanted too. 
> Hope this is more clear. Unfortunately the problem is tricky (and I hope I'm 
> wrong, so that there is already a right approach for it)
> Best,
> Paolo
> On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 5:00 PM Valentin Petzel <valen...@petzel.at> wrote:
>> Hello Paolo,
>> I don’t really understand what you want to do. But if you only want render
>> parts of your project I advise against commenting out and commenting in 
>> stuff.
>> Instead (since you have a new section there anyway) put the different 
>> sections
>> into different scores (you can tweak the second score so that it does not in
>> fact look like it’s a new score) in different files. Then you could have a
>> file header.ly[http://header.ly] which contains the header, a file secI.ly 
>> which contains the
>> first section, secII.ly which contains the second section and so on. And then
>> you could simply do
>> \include "header.ly[http://header.ly]";
>> \include "secI.ly"
>> \include "secII.ly"
>> and so on. If you want to render one section you just need to render the
>> particular file.
>> If you don’t want separate scores you could do use files which define the
>> different parts in variables and stitch them together in the score.
>> Like if you have a duetto with flauto dolce and bass tuba for example
>> (marvellous combination!) you could have in
>> secI.ly:
>> FluteSecI = { music }
>> TubaSecI = { music }
>> And similar in secI.ly. Then in the score you can stitch them together like
>> Flute = { \FluteSecI \pageBreak \FluteSecI }
>> And similar.
>> Then to get an output in your separate file you can create a separate score,
>> only containing the section (which is something you could probably quickly do
>> using templates.
>> You can then assign this score to a variable like thisscore=\score{...} and
>> then do something like
>> #(if (not (defined? 'included)) (add-score thisscore))
>> Then you can do #(define included 0) (or whatever value) before you include
>> these files, and thus these scores will not be output if you compile the full
>> score, but if you compile the files themselves they are.
>> Cheers,
>> Valentin
>> Am Mittwoch, 24. November 2021, 13:01:11 CET schrieb Paolo Prete:
>>> Hello,
>>> Given a header like this:
>>> %%%%%%%%
>>> \markuplist {
>>> \fill-line {
>>>   \override #'(font-name . "Liberation Sans")
>>>   \override #'(font-size . 6)
>>>   "Author"
>>> }
>>> \vspace #4
>>> \fill-line {
>>>   \override #'(font-name . "Liberation Sans")
>>>   \override #'(font-size . 15)
>>>   "Title"
>>> }
>>> \vspace #2
>>> \fill-line {
>>>   \override #'(font-name . "Liberation Sans")
>>>   \override #'(font-size . 10)
>>>   "Subtitle"
>>> }
>>> \vspace #6
>>> }
>>> {
>>> %section 1
>>> c'1 c' c' \break c' c'
>>> \pageBreak
>>> %section 2
>>> e'1 e' f' \break f' f'
>>> }
>>> %%%%%
>>> ... I would like to put it inside the score context. Is it possible ?
>>> In this way, given that the above header is only bound to the first page of
>>> the score, if I want to render only page 2 I would not need two block
>>> comments  (page 1 and header), but I would use only one block comment.
>>> (Maybe by using the following hacky way to have multiple marks on the same
>>> bar:
>>> https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.23/Documentation/snippets/expressive-marks
>>> (Creating simultaneous rehearsal marks) ?)
>>> Thanks!
>>> P

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