On Wed 12 Oct 2022 at 23:51:22 (+0000), Dag Bergman wrote:
> I have a Windows XP computer with Lilypond 2.10.25.  It works fine with 
> simple program codes and advanced code developed with earlier versions of 
> Lilypond.  It does not work so well when I try to use a newer program 
> developed with a later version of Lilypond, as I get many error messages.  I 
> therefore tried to install LilyPond-2.22.2, which is newer than the versions 
> of Lilypond the program were developed with.  It does not work at all, 
> however, and I get the error message: "The system cannot execute the 
> specified program."  It does not matter what code I try to run.
> What is the reason for this?

Can I take a step back and turn your question around—why are you
running XP at all? Presumably there's some important reason, but
surely it can't mean that this is the only machine available to you
(which would imply that you connect it to the internet).

> What to do about it?

It may depend on your answer to the previous question, and what the
machine is—you haven't said.

> What is the latest version of Lilypond that actually works on Windows XP?

Whether that matters depends on your answers to the previous two …


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