On Wed 16 Nov 2022 at 06:21:41 (-0500), Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> >> What about creating all the parts for a score? I certainly
> >> don't want to type all the common structure in each part.
> > If you type the structure first, then as you use emacs, it's easy to
> > copy and paste sufficient copies of it before you enter the notes.
> Okay… but yet another reason composing directly into Lilypond is suboptimal 
> and potentially frustrating.  =\

Well, the OP did write "I'm a copyist not a composer", and my
suggestion was merely to avoid them some typing (although
anybody who's used an editor for years is unlikely to need it).

> I often typeset scores with 40 or more staves; having to make changes in that 
> many places is time-consuming and error-prone.

And Jean responds with a fix in short order—just like you with your scores!


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