> On 24 Nov 2022, at 04:16, David Bellows <davebell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm running some fairly recent version of Ubuntu but instead of
> installing TeX from the repository I install TeXLive from here:
> https://www.tug.org/texlive/
> This way I can also keep all the packages much more up to date than
> what Ubuntu does. Even after all these years, we're all still better
> off installing TeXLive directly instead of through the repositories.

Thanks, there appears to be a strong consensus amongst the experts that this is 
the way to go.  Note to future-me: Do as David suggests.

> I ran your code (without the pathname for lyluatex since it is part of
> TeXLive) with the command:
> lualatex --shell-escape example.tex
> and it compiled just fine without any errors. I didn't have to install
> anything extra, I just keep TeXLive current and everything works.
> I use emacs but compile the code from the command line.

Getting things working from the command line is definitely easier.  There were 
a couple more hoops to jump through if you want a more Frescobaldi-like 
experience, and I recorded them for completeness.


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