On Fri, Dec 9, 2022 at 3:40 PM Kieren MacMillan <kie...@kierenmacmillan.info>

> Hi Brin,
> > It seems I may have been overzealous in paring down my minimal example
> That's better than erring on the other sideā€¦  ;)
> > I actually am breaking the big score file down into scenes/sub-scenes
> that can then be stitched together later in various combinations. But I'm
> missing the step of how to get the header at the top of the page to reflect
> what the current scene is at a given moment, since evenHeaderMarkup and
> oddHeaderMarkup in the paper block don't seem to be able to pull
> title/subtitle information from any except the top-level \header block. So
> now I feel like I'm missing something that's right in front of my face! Can
> you point me to the missing piece?
> Put each contiguous chunk of pages in a \bookpart.
> A page break will automagically appear between each \bookpart.
> The header inside the \bookpart will be what the titling blocks use.
> A silly MWE is included below.
> Hope that helps!
> Kieren.

Hi Kieren,

Thanks for this example! This definitely feels close to what I'm looking
for, but I was hoping to find a way that didn't force a page break (or even
necessarily a line break) between scenes. Is that something that's
possible, or is the page break required?

Many thanks,

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