On Sun 15 Jan 2023 at 22:52:50 (-0800), Saul Tobin wrote:
> Lilypond ships with a text font as well as a music font. I agree that I
> suspect that currently Lilypond's text font does not actually define these
> Unicode music characters, so it falls back on the OS to find them. Why not
> just add copies of Emmentaler glyphs to the Lilypond text fonts for
> characters within the Unicode spec? That seems like a pretty reasonable
> suggestion to me...

It might be worth thinking about where you would draw the line between
glyphs you would replace and those you wouldn't. After all, your
original post, and the Subject line, only dealt with accidentals, but
should you replace the entire Music Symbols Unicode Block, including
the combining forms, and fine tune them all so that the Emmentaler
would match LP's text font? (Some glyphs in the Block are also accidentals.)


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