On Mon 30 Jan 2023 at 20:52:05 (-0800), Rajesh Baskar wrote:
> You can see in
> the mage attached that Lilypond generates them a bit differently. The
> line dividing the two measures is thicker

You'll also notice that the stems of the last note in each measure are
apparently thicker than the others.

This isn't LilyPond's fault, but the fact that you've chosen to
generate a PNG raster image of the output. Were you to generate
a PDF, you would see the same phenomenon on your monitor at low
magnifications, like 120%, because the screen is a raster device,
but increasing the magnification would quickly eliminate the
effect, as seen at 2000%. (Screen is 443x249 mm showing 1600x900.)

While we're about it, here's your Melody expanded 8x, and
Lilypond's flat at 8000% (rotated to use the screen area).


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