Le mercredi 15 mars 2023 à 17:32 -0400, Fr. Samuel Springuel a écrit :
> The attached file compiles differently under 2.22 and 2.24: 2.24 introduces a 
> page break that isn’t present in 2.22.  This is causing some havoc in my 
> lyluatex tool chain.  Any idea what’s causing the problem and how to fix it?

This change was on purpose.

lilypond-book-preamble.ly arranges so that LilyPond's notion of pages is 
changed to make each system or markup a page of its own (except explicit 

In 2.22, lilypond-book sets the EPS backend to be used, and the EPS backend 
caused two things:

* Separate-page output: one file "document-pagenumber.pdf" per page. Since 
lilypond-book-preamble.ly also turns systems into pages, that effectively means 
one page per system.

* Tall-page output: the main "document.pdf" output file is just all pages 
squashed together.

In 2.24, it doesn't do that anymore. It mostly makes the “system as page” 
setting. Furthermore, the EPS backend has been removed in favor of separate 

- use `-dseparate-page-formats=pdf` if you want to get one output file per page 
(or per system if also using lilypond-book-preamble.ly),

- use `-dtall-page-formats=pdf` if you want to get squashed pages.

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