When coding organ pieces, I want the registration to appear following the 
In the following example, I inserted the registration in a markup block before 
the score block. When Lilypond renders the music, there is a large gap between 
the lines containing the composer's name and the opus number. The markup block 
containing the registration seems to "interrupt" the header.
What is the recommended best way to code what I am trying to accomplish so that 
the markup block does not interrupt the header?
I searched for an example but did not find appropriate results. If I missed 
something in the documentation or Lilypond snippets that will address this 
situation, please feel free to send me the link.

Thanks to anyone who is willing to provide an answer.
Joe Srednicki
========\version "2.24.0"\language "english"
\header {  title = \markup {\fontsize # -3 "Organ Piece"}  subtitle = \markup 
{II.}  composer = \markup {\fontsize # -3 "Composer Name (1685-1759)"}  opus = 
\markup {\fontsize # -3 "Opus 3, No. 2"}  tagline = ##f}
global = {  \key f \major  \numericTimeSignature  \time 4/4}
tu = \markup {"Tutti"}
rightOne = \relative c'' {  \global  \once \override 
Score.MetronomeMark.Y-offset = #+10  \tempo \markup {"Allegro"} 4=100  \partial 
8 c8^\markup \raise #2.5 {"Tutti"} | % pickup}
rightTwo = \relative c' {  \global  \partial 8 s8 | % pickup}
leftOne = \relative c'' {  \global  \clef treble  \partial 8 r8 | % pickup}
leftTwo = \relative c'' {  \global  \partial 8 s8 | % pickup}
pedal = \relative c {  \global  \partial 8 r8 | % pickup}
\markup{  \tiny{    \left-column {      \line{"Registration:"}      
\line{"I-II-III: Fonds 8, 4, Mixtures"}      \line{"Pd.: Fonds 16, 8, 
I-II-III"}    } % end left-column  } % end tin} % end markup
\score {  <<    \new PianoStaff <<      \new Staff = "right" << \rightOne \\ 
\rightTwo >>      \new Staff = "left" { \clef bass << \leftOne \\ \leftTwo >> } 
   >>    \new Staff = "pedal" { \clef bass \pedal }  >>}

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