On 2024-01-16 10:12 am, Benjamin Bruce wrote:
Is there a way to compile multiple input files into one output file via the command line? Currently I am using \include, but I would like to be able to choose the included file on the fly without editing the main file.

If I recall correctly, LilyPond will process each source file included on the command-line individually. You could use the shell to concatenate all your sources together and pass them via standard input. (Pass the filename "-" to LilyPond to instruct it to read from STDIN.)

Another thought I had was maybe there is a way to pass a value to the .ly file via the command line and use Scheme to choose the appropriate file to import based on that value. But that may be even more far-fetched.

You could do this, but my Spidey-Senseā„¢ tingles and suggests this may be an XY problem. But I simply do not have enough information about what you are needing to accomplish.

But for reference:

lilypond -e '(define-public a 42)'

Then within your .ly source, you'll need to bring in the guile-user module:

#(use-modules (guile-user))

%% The variable `a` should now be in scope.


NOTE: All of the above is documented in the first sections of the Usage manual.

-- Aaron Hill

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