Hi Sam,

Thanks for these thoughts!

> I'm not sure if this fits under your umbrella of having a single top level 
> file, but what about this?
> %%%% song-FV.ly
> definedVariables = data
> \include song.ily
> %%%% song-SV.ly
> definedVariables = data
> \include song.ily
> %%%% song.ily
> \include [.ily files containing the notes, edition-engraver tweaks, etc.]

Different versions will share some tweaks and also have individual/unshared 
tweaks, so I can’t quite tell yet whether this structure would be sufficient 
(never mind optimal).

> \header {
>   [header parameters shared by both versions]
>   [differing header parameters defined in global variables]
> }
> \score {
>   [contexts built from variables defined in \include-d files]
> }
> %%%%
> Optionally, you could use the output names and book blocks so that you can 
> compile the whole work from a FullVersion.ly and ShortVersion.ly which are 
> basically a series of includes of the applicable songs.

The full book (e.g. “Piano/Conductor Score” will definitely be a series of 
includes of applicable songs. I’m trying to figure out how to structure all 
this with the least amount of duplication (in note code, tweak code, and score 


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