I had the same challenge recently. See the attached. The individual parts
are in a "/parts" directory.
The "book.ly" file assembles the parts into a book with TOC.

I've also attached a simple script (assemble_book) to generate the book.ly
file (unix bash).

I am a newb with lilypond, so I'm sure there's a better and more natively
lilypond-ish way to accomplish this. I hope someone else will chime in.


Attachment: 01. part1.ly
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 02. part2.ly
Description: Binary data

Attachment: book.ly
Description: Binary data


echo '\version "2.24.3"'
echo 'bookTitle = "book of parts"'
echo '\markuplist \table-of-contents'
ls ./parts/*.ly | while read partFile; do
	echo '\include "'${partFile}'"'
	echo '\bookpart {'
	echo '  \header { title = \pieceTitle}'
	echo '  \tocItem \markup \pieceTitle'
	echo '  \score { \scorePart }'
	echo '}'

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