On 2024-02-13 11:05 am, Morten Lemvigh wrote:

I have some choir pieces, where all voices are singing the same verses, but in some places one voice is omitting one or a few words. Is there some way of skipping syllables from the lyrics from within the voice context. Like entering "null notes" that would be bound to lyrics but cause them to not be rendered? For example in the music for the tenor voice I would like to
enter "skip 2 syllables from the lyrics at this point".

My current alternative is to create lyric snippets for all the consecutive
parts and then glue them together for each voice. But with just a few
skipped words in a couple of voices it quickly becomes unmanageable.
Alternatively I could have complete copies of each verse for each voice,
but making corrections to that is not very attractive.

Any ideas for a better approach are highly appreciated.

Tags can be useful for keeping things organized:

    \version "2.22.0"

    words = \lyricmode {
      one two
      \tag soprano { three four }
      \tag alto { \markup \italic three __ _ }

    soprano = \relative {
      c''4 a g b | c1

    alto = \relative {
      e'4 f e8 d~ 4 | e1

    \new ChoirStaff <<
      \new Staff = staff <<
        \new Voice = soprano { \voiceOne \soprano }
        \new Voice = alto { \voiceTwo \alto }
      \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = staff }
        \lyricsto soprano { \keepWithTag soprano \words }
      \new Lyrics
        \lyricsto alto { \keepWithTag alto \words }

-- Aaron Hill

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