Shamelessly copying the tip for my own use! I also use MobileSheets Pro, and absolutely depend on it for my choral stuff. Your tip gives me some ideas for stuff I know I'll be singing: things like highlighting my bass part (NR 1.7.1ff), colouring key and time changes . . . Dude, I'm going to have some fun indeed!



On 2024-02-23 17:51, Laurie Savage wrote:

I use a tablet for storing my lead sheets, most of which I prepare in Lilypond. I have just stumbled on a trick I thought I'd share with you - although it might be obvious to you, it wasn't to me. (Tip to Jamie Anderson of the Get your sax together Youtube channel)

I use a Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 and Mobile Sheets Pro. I use a paper block that I store as "tabA" in an include file called "digital.ily"
It looks like this:

tabA = \paper {
%set the paper size to the screen dimensions
#(set-paper-size '(cons (* 13.5 cm) (* 21.7 cm)))

% Adjust according to taste
indent = 0\mm
top-margin = #0
bottom-margin = #0
left-margin = #0
right-margin = #0

voila, combined with a sensible staff size I have a legible score that I don't need reading glasses for.

Laurie Savage

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