On Sat 11 May 2024 at 15:14:47 (+0000), Giles Boardman wrote:
> You are, of course, right. Your evidence is clear. The position of the \key 
> command seems a strong candidate but I can't get it into the .MID even in the 
> simplest of snippet.
> As I mentioned I also have other behaviour I can't explain so it could also 
> be version related. I reinstalled the latest version I could find before the 
> release date of Windows 10, but it hasn't changed anything. I prefer to keep 
> my music-related work on a Windows 8.1 machine but that can  change .
> What I am trying to do is this:
> I have a big "library" of small, simple tunes that are variables, named for 
> their name and reference.
> I have "compiled" the library and found errors, which I have corrected.
> Now I can create medleys and audition them much more quickly than otherwise 
> possible by referring to the pieces by their variable name.
> Like this .....
> \version "2.18.2"
> % \include "C:\[lilify]\+progress\jukeboxpart1v2.ly"
> % \include "C:\[lilify]\+progress\jukeboxpart2v1.ly"
> "1K002-1a-_WILLIE_SHAW" = { \mark "1K002-1a-" \time 4/4 \key d\major { \time 
> 1/8 \partial 8  g''8 \time 4/4 fis''16 d''8. b'8. d''16 a'4 fis'4 fis'16 a'8. 
> d''8. fis''16 g''16 e''8. e''8. g''16 fis''16 d''8. b'8. d''16 a'4 fis'4 
> \time 7/8 fis'16 a'8. d''8. e''16 fis''16 d''8. d''8 \bar ":|." } }
> \score {
> {
> \key d\major
> \"1K002-1a-_WILLIE_SHAW"
> }
>  \layout { }
>   \midi { }
> }

  [ … ]

Perhaps it's time for you to attach some evidence in the form of a
MIDI file that you have produced.

You might also attach the .ly file that you obtain by "importing"
my attached MIDI file into LilyPond (through whatever process you
habitually use). AFAICT, the other people in this thread are
decoding MIDI files that they themselves generated.


Attachment: ksigm.midi
Description: audio/sp-midi

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