Le mardi 20 septembre 2005 à 11:33 +0200, Mats Bengtsson a écrit :
> I hope you know that you can click on every example in the
> on-line documentation, to see the corresponding LilyPond code.
> For example, the second example in Section "7.5.2 Tablatures basic"
> seems very similar to what you want to do, right?
> I modified your example a bit and included only the music in your
> variables/definitions and put all the context related code
> directly into \score{...}. I find it easier to understand the
> full structure of the piece to do it that way, but you may
> have other preferences. Anyway, after my modifications, the
> code looks like this:
> Melodie =  {
>       \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"
>       \time 2/4
>       \key g \major
>       d'16-3 fis'-2 e'-0 c''-4 d' fis' e' c'' |
> }
> Basse = {
> %!Nonprimary Voice
>       \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"
>       \time 2/4
>       \key g \major
>       \clef "G_8"
>       d'4 d' |
> }
> \score {
>    <<
>      \context Staff = MelodieStaff <<
>        \clef "G_8"
>        \context Voice = Melodie {\voiceOne \Melodie}
>        \context Voice = Basse {\voiceTwo \Basse}
>      >>
>      \context TabStaff = MelodieTab \Melodie
>    >>
>       \layout {
>       }
>       \midi {
>               \tempo 4 = 80
>       }
> }
>     /Mats
Thank you Mats, that functions very well .
But i must say that lilypond documentation for the guitar is too short,
and transpose the example remains difficult.
Cheer for your software.

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         (o o)
 |Laurent Ducos                    |

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