
> > 2) I've noticed lyrics misalignments before, but they seem worse
> > recently; this piece is a good example.  Actually, as I look at it I
> > think the lyrics syllables are horizontally centred with each other, but
> > left-aligned with the note head.  That's not how I thought it was
> > supposed to work (and it doesn't look very good)....
> I'm not sure where I even picked up the use of \lyrics, since I now
> can't find it in the manual, but that's the source of the problem.
> Consider the following example:
>   \version "2.6.4"
>   barNotes = \relative { \context Voice = "bar" { c d e f } }
>   barWordsI = \lyrics { iiiiiiii jjj kkk lll }
>   barWordsII = \lyrics { iii jjj kkkkkkkk lll }
>   \score {<<
>       \new Voice { \barNotes }
>       \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bar" \lyricmode { eeeeeeee  fff ggg hhh }
>       \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bar" \lyricmode { eee  fff gggggggg hhh }
>       \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bar" \lyricmode { \barWordsI }
>       \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bar" \lyricmode { \barWordsII }
>   >>}
> It appears that if you put both the notes and the lyrics into variables,
> they won't line up, as shown in the bottom two lines of lyrics.  If you
> put the melody in place (removing \barNotes), the lyrics line up, and
> you just have to remove a couple blank lines.  If you put the lyrics in
> place, everything lines up perfectly.
> So, I think this is a bug, but if you're seeing this behaviour, the
> workaround seems to be just to not store your lyrics in variables.

I think that the problem is because you define a \new Voice inside
another ("bar").  See attached file, for a modified version of the
above, which doesn't display the misalignment.

\version "2.6.3"

barNotesI = \relative c' { \context Voice = "bar" { c d e f } }
barNotesII = \relative c' { c d e f }
barWordsI = \lyrics { iiiiiiii jjj kkk lll }
barWordsII = \lyrics { iii jjj kkkkkkkk lll }

\score {
%    \new Voice { \barNotesI }
    \context Voice = "bar" { \barNotesII }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bar" \lyricmode { eeeeeeee  fff ggg hhh }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bar" \lyricmode { eee  fff gggggggg hhh }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bar" \lyricmode { \barWordsI }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bar" \lyricmode { \barWordsII }

  \layout {}
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