Stefan Thomas skrev:

thanks for Your fast answer, but I think this stuff is a little bit
to complicated for me, at least at the moment.

Yeah, this is one of those old snippets that has been modified over time as the lilypond syntax was changed - getting more and more messed up as different persons have corrected it.

I have cleaned it up, rewritten the function using the much improved capabilities of lilypond compared to how it worked when the snippet was originally written.

I have added it to the LSR, but for some reason (perhaps because it takes up more than one page? Graham?) it cannot be seen.

Hopefully more readable, the new source code is here:

%%% BEGIN %%%

% This file demonstrates how to typeset different pitches with the
% same rhythm.

% It defines a function, defineTransform,
% that you can use to make transformation functions.

% Call it like this:
% \defineTransform #'myTransformation { c'4 c'8 c'8 d'16 d' d' d' < c' d' > }

% You have now defined a transformation with the name "myTransformation".
% The rhythm in the transformation must be specified with notes c' d' e' f' g' etc.

% After having defined the transformation, you can call it like this:

% \myTransformation { e gis }
% To insert the rhythm from the transformation,
% where c' is substituted with e and d' is substituted with gis

%%% The following scheme function is just some mumbo-jumbo
%%% That you should add at the top of your program:

defineTransform =
#(define-music-function (parser location name pattern)
  (symbol? ly:music?)
  (letrec ((trans-rec
            (lambda (pitches)
             (lambda (music)
              (let* ((es (ly:music-property music 'elements))
                     (e (ly:music-property music 'element))
                     (p (ly:music-property music 'pitch)))
               (if (pair? es)
                 music 'elements
                 (map (trans-rec pitches) es)))
               (if (ly:music? e)
                 music 'element
                 ((trans-rec pitches) e)))
               (if (ly:pitch? p)
                (let* ((o (ly:pitch-octave p))
                       (n (ly:pitch-notename p))
                       (i (+ (* 7 o) n))
                       (pes (ly:music-property (list-ref pitches i) 'elements))
                       (pnew (ly:music-property (car pes) 'pitch))
                 (ly:music-set-property! music 'pitch pnew)
    `(define ,name
      (define-music-function (parserb locationb pitchseq)
       (let* ((pitches (ly:music-property pitchseq 'elements))
              (n       (ly:music-property pitchseq 'name)))
        (if (not (equal? n 'SequentialMusic))
         (ly:warning "2nd arg of transform must be SequentialMusic, got ~a" n)
         ((,trans-rec pitches) (ly:music-deep-copy ,pattern)))))))
   (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t)))

%%% To illustrate, here follows the Bach Prelude in C major,
%%% Typeset using defineTransform:

% This is the unabridged version of the whole Prelude.
% If we were to implement it in the documentation, we
% might have to consider commenting about 80% of it. -vv

\include ""

%%% This defines one measure of the prelude,
%%% using the five notes c' d' e' f' g' instead of the "real" notes:
\defineTransform #'makePreludeMeasure \transpose c c' \repeat unfold 2 {
    \context Staff = "up" {r8 e16 f g e f g }
    \context Staff = "down" << {r16 d8.~d4 } \\ { c2 } >>

%%% This is the last two measures - defined normally:
ending = <<
  { \context Staff = up s1*2 }
  { \context Staff = up r8 f,16 a, c f c a, \stemUp c \change Staff = down
    a, f, a, f, d, f, d, \change Staff = up \stemNeutral
    r8 g16 h d' f' d' h d' h g h d f e\prall d <e g c'>1^\fermata \bar "|."
  \context Staff = down <<
    \new Voice {
      \stemUp \tieUp r16 c,8.~c,4~c,2 r16 h,,8.~h,,4~h,,2 c,1 \bar "|."
    \new Voice {
      \stemDown \tieDown c,,2~c,, c,,~c,, c,,1_\fermata

\header {
  title = "Praeludium in C major"
  composer = "J. S. Bach"

\score {
  \transpose c c' \context PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff = "up"   { \clef "G" }
    \new Staff = "down" { \clef "F" }
      \tempo 4 = 80
      %%% The first measure should use notes c e g c' e' :
      \makePreludeMeasure {c e g c' e' }
      %%% Etc. :
      \makePreludeMeasure {c d a d' f' }
                                %we get the idea now.
                                %comment the following block if the snippet is 
too long.

      \makePreludeMeasure {h, d g d' f' }
      \makePreludeMeasure {c e g c' e' }

      \makePreludeMeasure {c e a e' a' }
      \makePreludeMeasure {c d fis a d'  }
      \makePreludeMeasure {h, d g d' g' }
      \makePreludeMeasure {h, c e g c' }
      \makePreludeMeasure {a, c e g c'  }
      \makePreludeMeasure {d, a, d fis c' }
      \makePreludeMeasure {g, h, d g h }
      \makePreludeMeasure {g, b, e g cis'  }
      \makePreludeMeasure {f, a, d a d' }
      \makePreludeMeasure {f, as, d f h }
      \makePreludeMeasure {e, g, c g c' }
      \makePreludeMeasure {e, f, a, c f }
      \makePreludeMeasure {d, f, a, c f }

      \makePreludeMeasure {g,, d, g, h, f }
      \makePreludeMeasure {c, e, g, c e }
      \makePreludeMeasure {c, g, b, c e }
      \makePreludeMeasure {f,, f, a, c e  }
      \makePreludeMeasure {fis,, c, a, c es }
      \makePreludeMeasure {as,, f, h, c d }
      \makePreludeMeasure {g,, f, g, h, d }
      \makePreludeMeasure {g,, e, g, c e }
      \makePreludeMeasure {g,, d, g, c f }
      \makePreludeMeasure {g,, d, g, h, f }
      \makePreludeMeasure {g,, es, a, c fis }
      \makePreludeMeasure {g,, e, g, c g }
      \makePreludeMeasure {g,, d, g, c f }
      \makePreludeMeasure {g,, d, g, h, f }
      \makePreludeMeasure {c,, c, g, b, e }
      %%% Finally insert the ending:
                                % here ends the block to comment


  \layout {}
  \midi {}

%%% END %%%

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