Isn't it possible to obtain the same result in a simpler way by just transposing a hard coded
template in C major into the current key?
Information on the current key signature is available in the keySignature context property (see the internal reference documentation for Key-engraver), but perhaps not in a very useful way. Also, don't forget about the instrumentTransposition property (which is set by the \transposition command) if you want to handle transposing instruments correctly.


Peter Chubb wrote:
        I'm currently trying to get improved MIDI output.  I have a
scheme function that processes articulations like staccato, tenuto,
etc., working now.  But for turns and trills, I need to generate the
notes around a note in the current key.

        Has anyone written a scheme function to do this yet?  for
example, given e return fis (if the current key is g), or given e return f (if
the current key is c)? I'm a bit stuck, as I can't even work out how to get at the current key within a music-function.
Dr Peter Chubb  peterc AT           ERTOS within National ICT Australia

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