2008/7/17 Karl Hammar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Ex1: << { \A } \\ { \B } >>
> creates TWO new voices, which get you into problems when doing \lyricsto,
> where
> Ex2: << { \voiceOne \a } \new Voice { \voiceTwo \b } >> \oneVoice
> only creates ONE new voice, \a "belongs" to the same voice as the surronding
> music.
> Ex1 is a dead end, nice for simple notes, everewhere else you have to do
> Ex2.

Before summarizing, I have a question: Ex1 creates 2 new voices; Ex2
clearly creates 1 new voice, and they are \voiceOne and \voiceTwo.
What voice numbers are the two new voices in Ex1? What voice numbers
are  a and b in <<{\a}{\b}>> ? (call it Ex0)

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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