>>>>> "Thermo" == Thermo  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Thermo> I have a one page lyrics, melody and chords lilypond format
Thermo> file.

Thermo> Now I would like to add a flute melody over the same chords on
Thermo> a new page, then add a guitar melody over the same chord
Thermo> structure. So it is basically one page for the words one for
Thermo> the flute one for the guitar.

Create a new \score block for each arrangement you want to have, with
a \pageBreak at the end.


\score {
                \context Staff \flutepart
                \context ChordNames { 
                        \set chordChanges = ##t
                        \guitarChords \pageBreak

\score {
                \context Staff \guitarPart
                \context ChordNames { 
                        \set chordChanges = ##t
                        \guitarChord \pageBreak

\score {
            \context ChordNames {
                    \set chordChanges = ##t
            \context Staff \context Voice = "one" {
            \context Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \verseWords

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