In addition to my previous answer: The size of the markup text is larger since the template contains
the line:
     \override TextScript #'font-size = #2
If you just remove that line, you should get the same size as the normal dynamics.

The question is why the setting was done in the first place. Perhaps it's just a remainder from some ancient version where this setting made sense, and nobody has used the
template with text or \markup command lately.


Eric Flesher wrote:
Wondering if anyone has experienced the following problem:

When creating new centered dynamics in a piano staff in ver. 2.11.55 (and several earlier versions) using \markup, three things happen:

1. the markup text created is significantly larger than the normal dynamic size
2. the text does not align with other dynamic markings
3. the presence of the markup text forces additional space between the staves


The dynamic marking concerned is contained in a variable thus:
pocoF = \markup  { \italic poco \dynamic f }

and is deployed locally as follows:
\times 4/5 { s16 s\mp s s-\pocoF s\> } \times 4/5 { s8\! s\mp s16 } s4

(I would include more code, but the file is extremely long.)

Any idea what might be wrong here, and how this could be fixed?



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