Dear lilypond-users,
I found out, that fingerings work much better than tuplet-numbers in
connection with cross-staff beams.
My problem is:
how can I make the fingerings look like the tuplet-numbers?
Here a short example:
 \version "2.11.49"
 ohnezahl = { \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f }
re = { \change Staff = rechts }
li = { \change Staff = links }
 rechts = {
 \time 3/8 \clef bass s 4.*2 }
 links = { \clef bass
     \override Fingering #'font-size = #'-2
     \override Fingering #'font-shape = #'italic
     %once with tuplet-numbers. Looks rather strange

\times 4/5 { \li \stemUp < g, g,, > 32 [ des, aes,  \re \stemDown c d ] }
\times 4/5 { \re b [ d des c \li \stemUp aes, ]   } \tupletDown \times 4/6 {
des,[ g, c \re \stemDown d g gis ]}
%now with fingerings instead of the tuplet numbers. The placement is
perfect, but it looks to much different
 \times 4/5 { \li \stemUp < g, g,, > 32 [ des, aes,^5  \re \stemDown c d ] }
\times 4/5 { \re b [ d des_5c \li \stemUp aes, ]   } \tupletDown \times 4/6
{ des,[ g, c \re \stemDown d g gis ]}

 \score {
\new PianoStaff = "Klavier"
        \new Staff= "rechts" { \rechts }
           \new Staff = "links" \with {
      \override VerticalAxisGroup #'keep-fixed-while-stretching = ##t }
    { \links} >>

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