Zoltan Kota wrote:

I have been using Lily for a year now, and I have several music scores
as separate lily files. I would like to make a songbook including
them, with cover page, table of contents, correct page numbering, etc.
How should I start? What sectiones should I learn in documentation?
Lilypond-book? Any useful info and tips are welcome!

I've written one thing with Lilypond-book and I'm very happy with it. It just works. It is, for now and for me, the killer application for LilyPond over ABC. You put your LilyPond code in there with your LaTeX markup and there's the LilyPond in the output. I don't have any amazing anecdotes to report because all it does is exactly what you expect. The main bug is that it doesn't recompile the music if an external dependency changes, so you need to delete the working files.

Of course, LaTeX has its own learning curve but the stuff you're talking about isn't that difficult. Lilypond-book itself is very simple.

If you want my example, here it is:


And the source code, if you want that:



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