Hi all!

Here some remarks by the author of NtEd concerning sib2ly
and the mail by Johan Vromans:

  "NtEd has problems importing the MIDI. It seems to insist on putting
  the 4 voices on a single staff."

Indeed, NtEd is the one and only LINUX software which distributes
the MIDI notes onto multiple voices per staff. This is necessary in many cases.
All other LINUX software MIDI tools produce nonsense if the MIDI -->
score process would actually require multiple voices per staff.

But true is also: The NtEd MIDI import is buggy,
it crashes and hangs :-((

I'm about to implement a new algoritm which partly works but will be
published not until May.  This will have an appropriate button:
"Place different MIDI tracks at different staves".

Let me explain why the 4 MIDI tracks appear on one staff: There are MIDI
files where every staff is in one track. But there are
also MIDI files which contain less tracks than instruments.

The worst case is: All instruments are in one track. Many
music keyboards produce MIDI files of this kind. How is it possible?

There is a MIDI command: MIDI PROGRAM CHANGE (PGM), which
switches the instrument. A MIDI file of this sort looks like:

  PGM "flute": note c; PGM "piano": note d; PGM "organ": note f; a.s.o.

Of course, I cannot collect these different instruments in one
staff. Therefore, I first separate the notes according to
the instrument which shall play them. Unfortunately, this
algorithm sorts 4 flutes which appear in 4 tracks into one
staff :-((

As already mentioned: There will be a button ...

J.Anders, GERMANY, TU Chemnitz, Fakultaet fuer Informatik

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