Neil Puttock wrote: 
> I hope Mark didn't spend too long working out the 
> stencil overrides, as there's already the public 
> function stencil-whiteout (used for the markup 
> command \whiteout) which will do the job in one 
> fell swoop...


don't worry about my time! :}

It seems my programming style is "reinventing the wheel"
but sometimes I think that's a good way to learn. 

By the way, one benefit of my approach is that you can
select a padding so you can whiteout extra space around
the objects, but I suspect there's a trivial solution to
that as well? If so, let us know!

Regarding snippet candidacy, I was thinking it would be
better to allow the padding to be modified on-the-fly, 
but it's not a big priority.

- Mark


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