Julian schrieb:
But still not within the tablature staff At the moment, I don't know how to manage this.

I found it,

% Dead Note \tweak #'stencil #ly:note-head::print
   \tweak #'glyph-name #"2cross"
   \tweak #'style #'special
f'\1 % End of Dead Note f\4

Wow, great!

Dead note is applied only to "f'\1" as we expect, and "X" is displayed on both,
staff and tabStaff.

Now i don't have idea how to make it in a lilypond function :) to use
\chordNoteDead instead of add all tweaks lines...

chordNoteDeadNote =
#(define-music-function (parser location note) (ly:music?)
 (set! (ly:music-property note 'tweaks)
       (acons 'stencil ly:note-head::print
        (acons 'glyph-name "2cross"
         (acons 'style 'special
          (ly:music-property note 'tweaks)))))

it works exactly as your tweaks, within normal and tab staff.

test = \relative c {
    < a-0 e'-2 a-3 c-1 e-0 >8
< a \chordNoteDeadNote e' \chordNoteDeadNote a \chordNoteDeadNote c e >
    < a e' a c e >
    < a \chordNoteDeadNote e' \chordNoteDeadNote a \chordNoteDeadNote c e >
    < a e' a c e>
    < a \chordNoteDeadNote e' \chordNoteDeadNote a \chordNoteDeadNote c e >
    < a e' a c e>
    < a \chordNoteDeadNote e' \chordNoteDeadNote a \chordNoteDeadNote c e >
    < a e' a  c  e >1

\score {
  << \new Staff    { \clef "G_8" \test }
     \new TabStaff {\clef "moderntab" \test }

I am not sure about the name - I think it should represent the fact that these functions
are to be used inside a chord construct < ... >.



however it don't matters, now we know that it is possible to show X in tab too
by notes instead of chord.

Thanks for your patience.

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