2009/6/16 Reinhold Kainhofer <reinh...@kainhofer.com>:

> Okay, I'm now trying to achieve this with tweaks (because they can be
> incorporated into the actual start command for the spanner, so one doesn't
> have to add one command before the note plus the start of the trill spanner
> after the note). However, how can I change the bound-details -> left -> text
> using \tweak??? All I seem to be able is to set bound-details, but not the
> subproperties... How can I tweak only the text, but leave the other settings
> in bound-details at their current values?

You could get the default bound-details from all-grob-descriptions:

#(define startSharpTrillSpan
   (let* ((m (make-music 'TrillSpanEvent
                         'span-direction START))
          (details (assoc-get 'bound-details
                              (assoc-get 'TrillSpanner
          (left-details (assoc-get 'left details)))
     (set! (ly:music-property m 'tweaks)
           (acons 'extra-offset '(0 . -0.5)
                  (acons 'bound-details
                         (acons 'left
                                (acons 'text
'(0.0 . -1.0)

(make-pitchedtexttrill-markup SHARP))
                         (ly:music-property m 'tweaks))))

> Attached are my current attempts at creating a general function for pitched
> trills (articulations as well as spanners). While articulations seem to work
> okay (using the text-interface::print function and the trill with the
> accidental as text), I'm unable to assign the proper spanner text using a
> tweak. Does anyone have any pointers how to solve this?

(acons 'stencil (lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob
(make-pitchedtexttrill-markup alter)))

This is also more idiomatic for the music function, since Script and
TrillSpanner don't support text-interface (it also prevents annoying
warnings in the docs).

\version "2.13.2"

#(define-markup-command (pitchedtexttrill layout props alter) (number?)
    (interpret-markup layout props
      (markup #:lower 1 
              ;#:halign -1.4 
              #:musicglyph "scripts.trill" 
              #:hspace -0.5 
              #:fontsize -1
              #:musicglyph (assoc-get alter 
standard-alteration-glyph-name-alist "" ))))

\markuplines \justified-lines {pitched trill as a simple markup}
\relative c' { c^\markup{\pitchedtexttrill #SHARP }}

% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

flatTrillI = #(let ((m (make-music 'ArticulationEvent 'articulation-type 
   (ly:music-set-property! m 'tweaks
     (acons 'stencil (lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob 
(make-pitchedtexttrill-markup FLAT)))
       (ly:music-property m 'tweaks)))

\markuplines \justified-lines {pitched trill as an articulation with stencil 
tweak (every second note)}
\relative c' { 
  c4\flatTrillI c-\flatTrillI c4^\flatTrillI c_\flatTrillI

% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

pitchedtrill = #(define-music-function (parser location alter) (number?)
  (let ((m (make-music 'ArticulationEvent
                      'articulation-type "trill")))
   (ly:music-set-property! m 'tweaks
     (acons 'stencil (lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob 
(make-pitchedtexttrill-markup alter)))
       (ly:music-property m 'tweaks)))

flatTrill = -\pitchedtrill #FLAT
sharpTrill = -\pitchedtrill #SHARP

\markuplines \justified-lines {pitched trill as an articulation with stencil 
tweak as music-function}
\relative c' {
  c4\pitchedtrill #FLAT c4-\pitchedtrill #FLAT  c4\flatTrill c4\sharpTrill

% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

flatTrillI = -\tweak #'stencil #(lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob 
(make-pitchedtexttrill-markup FLAT))) \trill
sharpTrillI = -\tweak #'stencil #(lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob 
(make-pitchedtexttrill-markup SHARP))) \trill

\markuplines \justified-lines {Tweaking a trill stencil using a simple 
definition, stencil set to (make-pitchedtexttrill-markup XXX)}
\relative c' {
  c4\flatTrillI c4\sharpTrillI c4-\flatTrillI c4-\sharpTrillI 

% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
%       (stencil . ,ly:text-interface::print)
%       (text . ,(make-musicglyph-markup "scripts.rcomma"))

flatTrillII = -\tweak #'stencil #ly:text-interface::print -\tweak #'text 
#(make-pitchedtexttrill-markup FLAT ) \trill
sharpTrillII = -\tweak #'stencil #ly:text-interface::print -\tweak #'text 
#(make-pitchedtexttrill-markup SHARP ) \trill
pitchedtrillII = #(define-music-function (parser location alter) (number?)
  (let ((m (make-music 'ArticulationEvent
                      'articulation-type "trill")))
   (ly:music-set-property! m 'tweaks
     (acons 'stencil ly:text-interface::print (acons 'text 
(make-pitchedtexttrill-markup alter)
       (ly:music-property m 'tweaks))))

\markuplines \justified-lines { The same, using the text-interface::print 
stencil and the text property; Usine a music-function only works with - 
prepended }
\relative c' {
  c4\flatTrillII c4\sharpTrillII c4-\flatTrillII c4-\sharpTrillII
  c4\pitchedtrillII #FLAT c4-\pitchedtrillII #FLAT
  c4\pitchedtrillII #NATURAL c4-\pitchedtrillII #NATURAL

% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

\markuplines \justified-lines { Tweaking trill spanners. Default text, but 
extra-offset }
\relative c' {
  c4-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(2 . -5) \startTrillSpan c c c\stopTrillSpan

% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

% tWF = -\tweak #'bound-details #'left #'text = \markup{\pitchedtexttrill #FLAT 
%       -\tweak #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -0.5) \startTrillSpan

trillWithFlat = {
        \once \override TrillSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = 
\markup{\pitchedtexttrill #FLAT }
        \once \override TrillSpanner #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -0.5)
trillWithNatural =
        \once \override TrillSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = 
\markup{\pitchedtexttrill #NATURAL }
        \once \override TrillSpanner #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -0.5)
trillWithSharp =
        \once \override TrillSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = 
\markup{\pitchedtexttrill #SHARP }
        \once \override TrillSpanner #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -0.5)

\markuplines \justified-lines { Changing text of trill spanner using 
"\override" before the note, text created by "\markup{\pitchedtexttrill #XXX}" }
\relative c' {
  c4\startTrillSpan c4 c4 c4\stopTrillSpan |
  \trillWithFlat c4\startTrillSpan c4 c4 c4\stopTrillSpan |
  \trillWithSharp c4\startTrillSpan c4 c4 c4\stopTrillSpan |
  \trillWithNatural c4\startTrillSpan c4 c4 c4\stopTrillSpan |

% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

\markuplines \justified-lines {Trying to set the values using tweaks for the 
spanner. Apparently, tweaking the bound-details -> left -> text is not so 

#(define startSharpTrillSpan
   (let* ((m (make-music 'TrillSpanEvent
                         'span-direction START))
          (details (assoc-get 'bound-details
                              (assoc-get 'TrillSpanner
          (left-details (assoc-get 'left details)))
     (set! (ly:music-property m 'tweaks)
           (acons 'extra-offset '(0 . -0.5)
                  (acons 'bound-details
                         (acons 'left
                                (acons 'text
                                       (make-translate-scaled-markup '(0.0 . 
(make-pitchedtexttrill-markup SHARP))
                         (ly:music-property m 'tweaks))))
startFlatTrillSpan = -\tweak #'extra-offset #'(0 . -0.5) \startTrillSpan

\relative c' {
  c4\startSharpTrillSpan c4 c4 c4\stopTrillSpan |
  c4\startFlatTrillSpan c4 c4 c4\stopTrillSpan |

% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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