Mark Polesky schrieb:
Carl Sorensen wrote:

Recognizing that we may want to change noteheads to
various styles, and that we may want to mix styles in a chord, it
might be a good idea to define a function \changeNoteHead that accepts
a style parameter, and then define \xHead as \changeNoteHead #'cross.

I haven't tried this, and there may be some problems in making it work in a
chord, but I think it's worth a try.

What about

{ <c \tweak #'style #'cross f> }
Then we are at the beginning again...

While working on tablature features, I was working on an easy way to
write dead notes. First, I had one command for single notes, as in

c d \deadNote e f

Then, I tried to expand this for chord constructs, as your tweak example
above, but in the form

< c \chordDeadNote e g >

At least, we (that is, mostly Carl and Neil) developed a command that recognizes
where it is called, so one can use

c d \deadNote e < c \deadNote e g >.

So I strongly claim for using \xHead to bring the tablature support forward, and if it is possible to realize Carls proposals, it is an internal change which doesn't
affect the syntax.


- Mark

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