Michał Dwużnik schrieb:

after quite a long time of not using lilypond I got back to "engraving".
Attached example (modified SATB example, proven to work with other
pieces) produces somewhat surprising result
 - printout with second line extending to the right well past the edge
of the page...
How should I hint lilypond to break the lines and get good result?
Such weird output is mostly due to the fact of assigning the wrong or no length to a note. In the tenor voice, you coded des4.( c4 bes2) which is surely too much for a 4/4 bar.
Second, you forced a line break in the soprano voice in the middle of a bar.

To avoid such errors, it is better and more readable to write every bar in a separate line,
and you can end every bar with a "|" to force bar checks.

Thanks in advance


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