On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 12:07:44PM +0100, Joseph Wakeling wrote:
> Neil Puttock wrote:
> > Can you suggest any improvements for this snippet's documentation?  It
> > does already mention where the pitch names are defined (ly/makam.ly).
> An actual link to LM section 4.6.3 would help.  Also, the details of the
> location of the ly/ folder are not correct.  It gives the location as being,
> INSTALLDIR/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/
> ... whereas if your LP install is via a package manager, it will be in
> /usr/share/lilypond/x.yy.z/
> ... where x.yy.z is the version number (2.12.1 in my case).

Interesting.  Nobody who touched that part of the docs, including
me, has ever installed lilypond via a package manager.  Hopefully
Trevor can modify the section accordingly.

> I know the snippet documentation is meant to be brief but why not add a
> note-name table -- or if not in the documentation, in the snippet source
> that you get when you click on the example?

We could add this to pitches.itely and world.itely (appropriately
split up).  Trevor can help you get the documentation source,
proofread your texinfo changes, and prepare a patch.

Trevor: the actual table goes in pitches.itely (obviously), while
we should add a NR 2.9.2 Makam or Turkish or something.  I guess
that section will only contain a "References for..." subsection,
but that's fine.

- Graham

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