On 27 Sep 2009, at 05:36, Graham Breed wrote:

Thanks for the explanation. I recall that: LilyPond has more than one glyph-finding model. That was a problem with the key signatures, I think, which could not use those from external fonts.

Lilypond has one glyph-finding model for accidentals, and the hooks to allow us to override it. All kinds of things are cumbersome or don't work when we do so. Grace notes are another one I noticed.

Ornaments like trills and turns are entered on the markup level, which is cumbersome if there are a lot of chromatic alterations. And they can't be output to MIDI - I think someone started to work on this.

But at least it's now fairly straightforward to get accidentals from arbitrary fonts -- with alternative tunings -- where it was basically impossible before the pitch model was changed.

I wasn't aware of that the pitch model has changed. Is there a description available somewhere?

I am thinking a bit on how to typeset the order of accidentals of different type; inputs welcome. An example illustrating the general problem:

Suppose one has the Persian koron p = -3 and sori > = +2 syntonic commas in Pythagorean tuning, and another accidental + which raises 2.5 commas. Then it is natural to write p+, from larger to smaller alteration.

But should one keep the Persian sori first and write >+, or would one prefer the larger to smaller order +> of these accidentals?


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