Federico Bruni schrieb:
Federico Bruni wrote:
Thanks to Francisco's link I managed to put the music in a markup block. Now I have problems with aligning text on the right. I've made several tries, but nothing is working as expected.

Any suggestion? (see example attached)

I've resolved the aligning problems (both vertically and horizontally).

But now I can't put the proper distance between the items of the legenda.
In fact, when I used just \score I could use after-title-spacing and before-title-spacing to put some space between the items of the list.

Now the \score(s) are inside a \markup block, so that does not work anymore.

How can I break a line in the \markup block?
I've tried an empty fill-line block, but does not work.

As far as I know, when you do something like

\markup {
 \fill-line { "foo" }
 \fill-line { "bar" }

then the "bar" part is shifted over the right page margin, so you don't see it - and has no effect on the vertical spacing. Try searching in the lsr for "vspace", then you'll find a suitable definition for a \vspace command that can be inserted where you want some vertical space; the amount
will be set as an argument, e.g.
\vspace #5



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