Hi Joe,

between-system-padding doesn't work for anything any more; it has been removed.


For Lyrics spacing, you have (for spacing within a system)
Lyrics.VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-spacing %% spacing to the staff that
the lyrics is attached to
Lyrics.VerticalAxisGroup #'inter-loose-line-spacing %% spacing between
lyrics lines
Lyrics.VerticalAxisGroup #'non-affinity-spacing %% spacing to the staff
that the lyrics isn't attached to

1. I used to define custom contexts FirstLyric and MoreLyrics, in which [only] the #'minimum-Y-extent was set differently, in order to control inter-multiple-Lyric spacing — am I right in inferring that #'inter-loose-line-spacing will replace the need for such custom contexts?

2. I get the error "cannot find property type-check for `non-affinity- spacing'" [v 2.13.4-1]...?

3. If I put a line of Lyrics above a staff, do I need to adjust #'staff-affinity (e.g., in a \with block)?

you also have
\paper {
  between-system-spacing = #'((space . foo) (padding . bar)
(minimum-distance . baz))
for spacing between systems.

If you find good settings for any of these values,
please let me know so that I can improve the defaults.

Will do... thank you for your continued efforts in improving Lilypond!

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