Keeping in mind that I agree with Graham on all points, here is a
recent quote from Wikipedia:

All major modern web browsers except Microsoft Internet Explorer
support and render SVG markup directly.[3] To view SVG files in
Internet Explorer, either users have to download and install a browser
plugin, or the webmaster can include SVG Web, a JavaScript library
currently under development at Google Code[4].

This suggests that 'next year in Jerusalem' is a bit closer than
previously thought.


On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 8:33 AM, Graham Percival
<> wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 2:56 PM, David Raleigh Arnold
> <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 14 Jan 2010 20:09:36 +0000
>> Graham Percival <> wrote:
>>> new feature (*cough* bugfix)
>> What does that mean?
> It means that the SVG update introduced, and relied on, so many
> architectural changes that it's silly to call it a bugfix.
>> Why wasn't svg output fixed when it broke?
> Because nobody, INCLUDING YOURSELF, sent a well-formed patch to fix it
> when it broke.
>>  Is there is a problem with priorities?
> Yes -- yours.  You're not willing to put the effort into helping the
> lilypond development team, but you feel qualified to second-guess us.
> If you're interested in helping, let's talk.  We current have a bit of
> a crisis with bugs -- we don't have enough people checking for
> regressions.  This appears to be an item close to your interests.  And
> all you need is lilypond, a web browser, and an email client.
> Absolutely no programming needed.
> Prime example: an hour ago I uploaded 2.13.11, but I forgot to check
> the regtest comparison.  Whoops.  I'm so lazy and evil and bad.
> (ladies: I'm /deliciously/ bad)
> It would be nice if somebody could check the regtest comparison...
> it's too late to recall 2.13.11 if it broke anything, but if it *did*
> break something, the sooner we find out about it, the faster we can
> fix it.
> More info in the Contributor's Guide 7.4 Checking and verifying issues
> After that, it would be nice if somebody could check all the regtests.
>  One person has been doing it, but there's no guarantee that he's
> found everything.  Again, the sooner we find out if something broke,
> the faster it will be to fix.
> ... of course, if nobody cares about having a stable lilypond that
> doesn't break features, then go ahead and ignore these requests for
> help.  But don't come crying to me when stuff breaks.
>>  Doesn't lilypond's on line output,
>> including the docs, look a million times better with svg?
> Err, we can't make the html docs use svg.  Last time I checked, even
> firefox doesn't render lilypond svgs "out of the box" (it required a
> special ~/.font/ dir; no clue how it would be done on windows).  And
> even if the open-source browsers properly render the SVG spec -- which
> will probably happen within the next 3 years, but I'm not holding my
> breath -- there's still the problem of IE.
> I seriously doubt that we could consider such a switch for at least
> the next 10 years.
>> Why the rant?
> The rant is because you're demanding that other people do work that
> you're not willing to do yourself.  This bugs the bloody mao out of
> me.
> - Graham
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