BODY { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px; }Try 
2 in the 2nd voice. 
 On Thu 04/02/10  2:09 PM , Bobber sent: 
 Tried it but nothing happens:  
 > % measure 2:  
 >                 { r8 c'8 e8 c8 e4 } \  
 >          {  set fingeringOrientations = #'(right) c,2.-4 }  
 >       >>  
 David Stocker wrote:  
 > Bob,  
 > Not only is it possible, but it is probable that doing so will   
 > increase your fun quotient with LilyPond.  
 > You'll be interested in   
 > In particular, be aware that modifications like set   
 > fingeringOrientations = '#(left) don't have an effect on fingerings 
 > placed on notes which are not within a chord construct. That is, if 
 > you want a single note fingering to go left (or right or down), 
 > have to put it into chord braces -- 4 rather than b4-1 (that   
 > trips up a lot of new users when they start modifying fingering   
 > placements).  
 > Have fun,  
 > David  
 > Bobber wrote:  
 >> I would like to have more control over where string numbers, left  
 >> hand fingerings and right hand fingers are placed.  I mean putting 
 >> them below a note, to the side or above.  Is this possible?  
 Bob Wooldridge  
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