> > So, what I would ideally like to have is a way of making Lilypond use "b"
> > and "#" from a custom font, but exclusively in chord mode. I did quite
> > some searching but did not come up with anything useful, so I already
> > feared it might not be easy (or doable at all...).
> I think you can achieve what you want by writing a scheme function
> similar to those defined in scm/chord-names.scm.
> See for example the definition of note-name->german-markup.
> There you find that accidentals are replaced by -es -eses -is or -isis,
> respectively. So you could copy most of this definition and place
> your custom glyphs in there.

That's actually quite a good idea. Based on your idea, the following should do 
the trick:

#(define my-alteration-glyph-name-alist
       ;; ordered for optimal performance.
       (0 . "")
       (-1/2 . "#")
       (1/2 . "b")


#(define (my-alteration->text-accidental-markup alteration)
    (if (= alteration FLAT)
     (assoc-get alteration my-alteration-glyph-name-alist "")))))

My only problem is: How do I get this code to work, i.e. how do I get LilyPond 
to use this code in chord-mode? I assume I would need to somehow activate it 
in the ChordNames context, bit how does this actually work?


Matthias Hüsken          Phone: +49 202 439-3362
Fachbereich Mathematik   Fax:   +49 202 439-2912
Bergische Universität
Gaußstraße 20
D - 42097 Wuppertal
e-mail: matthias.hues...@math.uni-wuppertal.de

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