>>>>> "胡海鹏" == 胡海鹏  <- Hu Haipeng <hhpmu...@163.com>> writes:

胡海鹏> Hello, Before I make a 16 track midi to show the remaining bug
胡海鹏> on midi output in the recent devel versions, I'll suggest an
胡海鹏> improvement upon articulate.ly. I changed the following line,
胡海鹏> and the non-slurred music sounds more natural, while the
胡海鹏> slurred music still gets more smooth: #(define ac:normalFactor
胡海鹏> '(15 . 16)) Regards Haipeng

What really needs to happen is that this (and the other paramet6ers)
need to be documented.  Whether 15/16 or 7/8 sounds better depends on
the instrument and the style of the music being played, and how
non-legato you want the normal articulations to be.  In the original
parameter settings I was aiming for baroque music practice: something
like this for Bach's English Suite (This is Pogorelich's playing):


And in CPE Bach's `True art of playing the Keyboard' he says that
otherwise unmarked notes should be held for half their marked values,
suggesting #(define ac:normalFactor '(1 . 2))

But see Jackson, `Performance Practice: A Dictionary-guide for
Musicians' on articulation.  Performance practice varies widely.
Dr Peter Chubb                                  peter DOT chubb AT nicta.com.au
http://www.ertos.nicta.com.au               ERTOS within National ICT Australia
All things shall perish from under the sky/Music alone shall live, never to die

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