On 30 May 2011 14:55, Ralph Palmer <palmer.r.vio...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings, LilyPonders -
> I'm working on a transcription, and I'm running into a text problem. I need
> to include a couple of paragraphs, including a quotation, and the name
> Bartok is included. I cannot figure out how to include the accent on the
> "o". Here's what I've tried (I'm attaching a PDF of the result, as well as
> the .ly file):
> […]
> Can anyone suggest how I can get the text to wrap, include the special
> character, and *not* have spaces preceding and following the special
> character? I've tried all the searches I could think of in the
> documentation, the Snippet Repository, and the list archives.

Using the character 'ó' directly works in every of your case.


%%%%%%%%% Begin Snippet %%%%%%%%%

\version "2.12.3"

test =
\relative c' {
  a a a a

\paper {
  ragged-last-bottom = ##t
  ragged-right = ##f

\book {

%%%%%%%% \markuplines with justified-lines and no quotes no spec char %%%%%%%%
  \markuplines {
    \justified-lines {
      Whatever Bartók you want to do will probably make sense. What if
we do something like this? I think we need even more text. I hope this
will be enough.

  \score {

%%%%%%%% \markup-lines with \justified-lines and quotes no spec char %%%%%%%%
%%%% does not wrap %%%%
  \markuplines {
    \justified-lines {
      "Whatever Bartók you want to do will probably make sense. What
if we do something like this? I think we need even more text. I hope
this will be enough."

  \score {

%%%%%% DOES NOT WORK %%%%%%%
%%%%%%%% \markup-lines with \justified-lines and  no quotes spec char (no sep)%%
  \markuplines {
    \justified-lines {
      Whatever Bart\ ##x00F3k you want to do will probably make sense.
What if we do something like this? I think we need even more text. I
hope this will be enough.

%%%%% DOES NOT WORK %%%%%
%%%% \markup-lines with \justified-lines and no quotes spec char ( sep)%%
  \markuplines {
    \justified-lines {
      Whatever Bart \ ##x00F3 k you want to do will probably make
sense. What if we do something like this? I think we need even more
text. I hope this will be enough.

%%%% \markup \justify-string quotes no spec char %%%%
  \markup {
    \justify-string #"Whatever Bartók you want to do will probably
make sense. What if we do something like this? I think we need even
more text. I hope this will be enough."

  \score {

%%%% \markup \justify-string quotes spec char %%%%
%%%% spaces around \char ##x00F3 seem to make no difference. %%%
%%%% spec char is printed, but with spaces around it, and wordwrap stops %%%
  \markup {
    \justify-string #"Whatever Bartók you want to do will probably
make sense. What if we do something like this? I think we need even
more text. I hope this will be enough."

  \score {

%%%% \markup \wordwrap-string quotes spec char %%%%
%%%% spaces around \char ##x00F3 seem to make no difference. %%%
%%%% spec char is printed, but with spaces around it, and wordwrap stops %%%
  \markup {
    \wordwrap-string #"Whatever Bartók you want to do will probably
make sense. What if we do something like this? I think we need even
more text. I hope this will be enough."

  \score {

%%%% \markup \fill-line \justify-string with quotes spec char %%%%
  \markup {
      \override #'(line-width . 60)
      \justify-string #"Whatever Bartók you want to do will probably
make sense. What if we do something like this? I think we need even
more text. I hope this will be enough."

  \score {

%%%%%%% End Snippet %%%%%


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

lilypond-user mailing list

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