Thanks to all for your quick help!

I adjusted the voices so that the E naturals I
intend to tie are in the same lilypond voice.  The tie
now renders and correct notation results _however_ the
problem I have now, is that direction of the stems that
lilypond has chosen for each voice is _not_ the direction
I wish.

How does one override lilypond's stem directions for a
particular note or voice.

Also, though tie renders in the attached image, but I prefer
the curve of the tie _below_ the E naturals, not _above_ as
in the attached image.  Is there a way to force in which direction
the "tie is written"?

Thanks again!

\version "2.12.3"
\include ""

\score {

   \new Staff = "guitar"
     \clef "treble_8"
     \time 4/4

     % guitar m01
     { s2.   g'8. [e,16~]  }
     {  r2. f8 [b8]      }

     % guitar m02
     { e,1}
     {  <fs f' a'>4. <g' bf'>8  <g' b'>8 <bf a' cs''>4.   }
     {  s2   g'16 [gs16]   s4      }



<<attachment: test_tie_02.png>>

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