On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 11:46 PM, Matthew Collett <m_coll...@ihug.co.nz>wrote:

Indeed it does, thank you.  And no, my Scheme would _not_ have been up to
> that.  I was still trying to figure out how to access the value of
> line-width, or indeed any of the \paper variables: the documentation is very
> clear on how to set them in the \paper block, but completely unforthcoming
> on how to get them from anywhere else.

I'm glad I could help!  The documentation does mention how to access these
properties in a custom markup command
but I wasn't sure how to pass layout info to it in other situations.  (I
ended up doing a search for examples of ly:output-def-lookup in code.)

> In fact, even given your solution I'm not convinced I understand how it
> works: as far as I can see you have defined an anonymous function, but not
> actually evaluated it ... (I've been coding on and off for 30 years in a
> succession of Basic, Fortran, C, Matlab, C++, Python and even the odd spot
> of assembler, but Scheme remains quite impenetrable to me).

I'm definitely not the one to give explanations!  I look at some examples of
tail-recursion and wonder and wonder at how they get this result and not
another, or do anything at all -- it's still all very opaque to me . . .
 (But having a program like LilyPond make it so rewarding for me to pick up
whatever I can.)

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