Hi Harm,

On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 7:08 PM, Thomas Morley <
thomasmorle...@googlemail.com> wrote:

>>  \once \override Stem #'stem-end-position = #-8
> Works fine with "2.14.2" and \change Staff.
> But there is no effect in the following example.
> \version "2.14.2"
> { a'8 [
> \once \override Score.Stem #'stem-end-position = #-80
> a'] }

If you set 'stem-end-position in the course of an override of 'stencil, it
works in both cases:

\version "2.14.2"

xyOut =
#(define-music-function (parser location y-length)(number?)
     \once \override  Stem #'stencil =
       #(lambda (grob)
          (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stem-end-position $y-length)
          (ly:stem::print grob))

  a'8 [
  \xyOut #-80

top = \change Staff = "1"
bottom = \change Staff = "2"

music = \relative c {
  \override Beam #'auto-knee-gap = #0
  \once \override  Beam #'positions = #'(4.5 . 5)
  \bottom c32[ g' \top \xyOut #-19 eis']

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff = "1" {
    \new Staff = "2" {
      \clef bass


I've worked some more on the function which allows you to specify
accel./rit. and vice versa, and I've attached a revision which I think is a
lot clearer.  (Basically, it creates a series of multipliers first and then
feeds the list into music-map.)  I've tried to make it consistent with the
input to your function.

The number input to the function is the stem number of the peak, with the
first stem-number of the group being 0.   My understanding is that the peak
is the shortest note in an accelerando, and the longest in a ritard. I've
marked these points in the example.  Does this agree with your

I notice that you allow for negative numbers in the input to grow-beam-var;
the sign is simply reversed.  I wonder: shouldn't you just reject them from
the outset, maybe with a warning?  (I mean, the concept of stem number -2
doesn't make a whole lot of sense :)  )

> Again, thanks a lot for all the work you've invested in my problems.

You're welcome!  I'm learning a lot by working on them!


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