Hi Svetlana,

On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Светлана <eurid...@yandex.ru> wrote:

> Originaly, Znamenny chants were written only with znamya and text, no
> staff notes at all. Music is completely encrypted in znamya itself. But now
> we need notes, as only few people are familiar with the system and other
> just learn. Most znamenny books are handwritten as it's wery complex
> typography problem. Now there exists a Russian community around znamenny
> chants, they have made a font and their own online editor, but as for me it
> is of no good use when it comes up to something more than printing a single
> chant. I try to make chant sets for easy singing and lilypond offers
> excellent typography. You can see how it looks handwtiten fo example here:
> http://www.dyak-oko.mrezha.ru/archive/obichod.zip For modern-typed online
> examples you may look here: http://znamen.ru/Give.php?ruk=q303&id=pbex
> You will need these fonts to see it correctly:
> http://znamen.ru/paraklht.zip
> http://znamen.ru/knijitsa.zip
> http://znamen.ru/ortucs8.zip
> http://znamen.ru/odnoglas.php
> That was historical part, now the practical.
> 1. The may be multiple different colored symbols in one syllable. For
> example, in "Мк2)" both "М" and ")" should be colored.
> 2. It could be the ant place of the syllable. I couldn't find
> middle-placed examples, but it will be needed if we add some spaces in the
> beginning for some difficult positioning problems.
> 3. Zero, one or more than one - all is possible. Also, it could be
> something like "ъ9%я1ХЗз" where "ъ", "9" and "з" should be colored.
> 4. The list is unchanging, here it is, all case-sensitive (first part are
> cyrillic letters):
> цуУнНгГщзъЪвВаАпПРлЛсСмМиИтТбБюNo.weEyYuUdDfFgGhHcCvVbBnN4567890=(<*?]}
> So, i's not too easy as it must be flexible a lot, but it would be a great
> help to me.

Thanks for the explanation and the examples!  I think I understand better,
and it's not as difficult as I first thought. (At least, I hope so...)

I've attached a new version of the functions.  They work fine with my
"Twinkle, twinkle..." example.  Hopefully they will work with your file,
too.  I couldn't figure out how to get the font running in LilyPond to
check it myself :(

Let me know if this does what you want or if you run into any problems.


Attachment: colorize-list.ly
Description: Binary data

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