On Feb 3, 2012, at 4:56 AM, David Kastrup wrote:

> Hi,
> in the list of critical issues the recent issue 2271
> <URL:http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=2271> is the
> only one I see without an obvious path forward.
> One serious option is ending the support for MacOSX 10.4.  If you are a
> user that would be affected by such a step, or a developer that would be
> interested in making this work again, you should step up as soon as
> possible.
> Without any such feedback, it is very likely that MacOSX 10.4 will get
> removed from the supported platforms.  Of course the decision rests with
> Graham, but short of anybody stepping up, I don't see that there would
> be all that much choice left to him.

Eventually legacy system support gets broken in every project.  PPC-based Mac 
users (of which I am one, we have three PPC based Macs that continue to run 
fine) mostly can update to 10.5.  For 10.4 users, I would recommend identifying 
the most recent version of Lilypond that will run on that platform and 
identifying it on the Web site.  This is a standard practice.
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