
2012/3/6 MING TSANG <tsan...@rogers.com>:
>>Janek, Thomas:
>>I cut it down to 95 lines snippet.  I cannot cut it down any more.
> Do you need to have colored note heads?  Do you need your actual notes?
> Could you substitute a pair of eighth notes and demonstrate the problem?
> Do you need to have a GrandStaff, or could you observe the same problem on
> a single Staff?
> This is the kind of question one should ask oneself when trying to make a
> Tiny Example.

note that I need 24 lines for my answer (code below) - after
integrating an own definition! ;)

>>It seems that the problem is from \EzNum.
> Probably because \EzNum sets the staff space larger.  What you are seeing
> is the result of a larger staff space.  You want to have the big staff
> space to make room for the heads, but not to make the stems longer.  EzNum
> doesn't do this.
>> QUESTION:  is \EzNum part of the lilypond release?
> No.  \EzNum was something that you were given to help you solve a problem
> you were having.  It's not part of the release and not supported by
> development.

But you don't need to integrate Ez_numbers_engraver, \easyHeadsOn is enough.

As I wrote before affecting the Beam-'positions might be the most simple way:

\version "2.14.0"
\include "english.ly"

shortenBeamedStems = \override Beam #'after-line-breaking =
 #(lambda (grob)
  (let* ((pos (ly:grob-property grob 'positions))
         (new-pos (cons (* (car pos) (magstep -1.2))
                        (* (cdr pos) (magstep -1.2)))))
  (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'positions new-pos)))

music = \relative c {
         d'2  d4 d4 |  e4 f4 c8. c16  a8. a16 |
         e'8. e16 e8. e16~ e2~ |  e2  e8 e8  e8. e16

\new Staff \with {
        fontSize = #3.5
        \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep 3.5)
        \override StaffSymbol #'thickness = #(magstep 3.5)
       } <<
  \clef "bass"
  \new Voice {  \easyHeadsOn \voiceOne {  \music   } }

Please note:
1. I deleted \EzNum and did it another way using \with { ... }
2. I just reported a possible bug, concerning increase of staff-space
(I needed a code of 4 lines only): If the staff-space is increased to
much a log warning appears ("programming error: No viable beam
quanting found.  Using unquanted y value."). This happened with your
file too and I suspect that it is responsible for some
beaming-problems in your code. ->


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