I am trying to figure out how I can get Old Style numerals to be used for the 
page numbers.  I found some scheme code here (http://www.mrlauer.org/music/) 
that defines a markup command oldStyleNum that will replace any digit with the 
unicode string for the appropriate old style numeral.  However, I don't know 
to make this work with the page number, because when I try to put 
\oldStyleNum\fromproperty #'page:page-number-string the oldStyleNum command 
isn't getting the numeric string to process, but something else, and I don't 
really know scheme at all, and haven't been able to figure this out after 
looking at it for a few hours, and I thought someone else might know.

What follows is sample code that shows old style numerals in the title and 
(unfortunately) regular numerals for the page number.


\version "2.14.2"
% Michael's utilities
%% UTF-8 utilities
#(define (utf-8->list str)
    (define (numBytes leader)
            (cond ((< leader #x80) 1)
                  ((< leader #xc0) (begin (stderr "programming-error: bad utf-
8:~x\n" leader) 1))
                  ((< leader #xe0) 2)
                  ((< leader #xf0) 3)
                  ((< leader #xf8) 4)
                  (else (begin (stderr "programming-error: utf-8 too big:~x\n" 
leader) 1))))
     (define (helper start l n)
             (if (= n 0) start
                 (helper (+ (* start #x40) (modulo (car l) #x40)) (cdr l) (- n 
     (define (utf-8->int l)
              (let* ((leader (car l))
                     (n (- (numBytes leader) 1))
                     (fac (/ #x80 (expt 2 n)))
                     (rest (cdr l))
                     (result (helper (modulo leader fac) rest n)))
     (define (toListHelper lst chars)
                 (if (null? lst) (reverse chars)
                     (let* ((c (utf-8->int lst))
                            (n (numBytes (car lst)))
                            (t (list-tail lst n))
                            (newC (cons c chars)))
                        (toListHelper t newC))))
    (toListHelper (map char->integer (string->list str)) '() ))

%These are appropriate for Junicode, and other fonts.  Override as necessary
oldStyleZeroCode = ##xF730
smallCapsACode = ##xF761

%For Linux Libertine
oldStyleZeroCodeLL = ##xE01A
smallCapsACodeLL = ##xE051

#(define (change-char-helper aa test? offset)
    (if (string? aa)
        (let* ((chars (utf-8->list aa))
               (tosc (map (lambda (c)
                               (if (and (<= c 127) (test? (integer->char c)))
                                   (ly:wide-char->utf-8 (+ c offset))
                                   (if (and (<= c 255) (>= c 224))
                                       (ly:wide-char->utf-8 (+ c offset))
                                       (if (= c #x0153)
                                           (ly:wide-char->utf-8 #xF6FA)
                                           (ly:wide-char->utf-8 c) ) ) ) )
                (newStr (apply string-append tosc)))

#(define (to-old-style str) (change-char-helper str char-numeric?
                                (- oldStyleZeroCode (char->integer #\0))))
#(define (to-small-caps str) (change-char-helper str char-lower-case?
                                (- smallCapsACode (char->integer #\a))))

#(define-markup-command (realCaps layout props str) (markup?)
    "Real small capitals"
    (interpret-markup layout props (to-small-caps str)))
#(define-markup-command (oldStyleNum layout props str) (markup?)
    "Old-style numerals"
    (interpret-markup layout props (to-old-style str)))
#(define-markup-command (smallCapsOldStyle layout props str) (markup?)
    "Real small caps and old-style numerals"
    (interpret-markup layout props (to-old-style (to-small-caps str))))
#(define-public (bar-number-print grob)
  "Print function for making oldStyle numbers.  Useful for BarNumber, for 
      ((text (ly:grob-property grob 'text))
       (layout (ly:grob-layout grob))
       (defs (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'text-font-defaults))
       (props (ly:grob-alist-chain grob defs)))

    (ly:text-interface::interpret-markup layout
                                         (if (string? text)
                                             (markup #:oldStyleNum text)
\header {
  title = \markup{\oldStyleNum"1234567890" "1234567890"}
\paper {
  two-sided = ##t
  print-first-page-number = ##t
  oddHeaderMarkup = \markup\fill-line{
        \fill-line{"" \on-the-fly #print-page-number-check-first
        \oldStyleNum\fromproperty #'page:page-number-string
  evenHeaderMarkup = \markup {
        \on-the-fly #print-page-number-check-first
        \oldStyleNum\fromproperty #'page:page-number-string


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