Unfortunately that's not possible because I can't select my font according to this.
And it's not a show stopper not to have OSF, just an inconvenience.

I assume such an improvement would be a non-trivial issue?


Am 22.04.2012 02:42, schrieb Nick Payne:
On 22/04/12 08:26, Urs Liska wrote:
Thanks for pointing to this, Werner.

Just a question:
In the issue report you say, LilyPond doesn't currenty (i.e. Nov 2010) support OpenType features. LilyPond does support ligatures and kerning (at least on Linux, it seems this doesn't work on Windows). Are these no OpenType features? Or have there been improvements since your report?

You could use a font that defaults to old style figures. For example, Spectrum MT:

\relative c'' {
    c4^\markup { \override #'(font-name . "SpectrumMT SC") "0123456789" }

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